May the FORCE be with you

The FORCE is within us all No really. Another term is ‘social capital’ although I prefer to call it THE FORCE. The social capital you have with your network of friends, family and colleagues is greater than the social capital a charity or cause you support has with your network. So to awaken the FORCE…

How sticky is your fundraising?

I’m excited about stickiness at the moment. I think it will be important if you believe in holistic fundraising – where different parts of your fundraising programme connect. Let me give you some examples. A weekend stall at a summer festival led to one of SolarAid’s largest ever trust donations. How? A former volunteer came by…

Where is the failure in your story?

I had a piece in The Guardian last week about failure and how it has been a spring board to success for the charity/non-profit I fundraise for, SolarAid. I had some great feedback. The jist being “what a great story”. You can read it here. Which got me thinking. Take any Spielberg film, or any Hollywood…