How I can help you

cropped-ifundraiser-manifesto.jpgIf you want help to approach fundraising in a different way then get in touch.

I believe the rules of fundraising have changed. It’s not about how to get money out of me – it’s how to inspire me to spread your story.

Why? Because we are all now channels and have ‘social capital’.

To do this well you need to :

  1. Focus on your mission
  2. Identify who believes in what you believe
  3. Tell an engaging story
  4. Empower your supporters to spread it for you
  5. Give a great donor experience
  6. Be ready to respond
  7. Set up new measures

My mission is to to help organisations apply these principles by giving:

  • help in getting into the right mindset so you can apply them yourself
  • advice on what you need to do to get you started
  • guidance to implement what you need to do to speed things up
